5 ways to get out of a productivity slump almost instantly!

Feeling lazy or stuck? Or don’t feel like doing anything? More often than not – a lack of inspiration, burnout, boredom, anxiousness and such other emotions can lead to a slump and a feeling of being stuck. When you are in the mode “Today I don’t feel like doing anything”, try the recommendations in this post, especially the first one – works every time 🙂 . You can snap out of it faster than you think.

If you are experiencing something that’s more long lasting and permanent than just an occasional afternoon slump, get professional help.

1. Music changes the mood instantly

Music is one of the best instant mood lifter. There is a lot of research backing it. Different types of music can positively affect your mind. Meditative music can relax you and wash off your anxiety instantly. Dance music can get you groovy and fill you with a lot of energy. This has personally been my favorite remedy to that slump. Just plug in your headphones or blast your speakers and see how the energy changes 🙂 . Alternatively, you can also play focus music and drift into a state of flow while working at something.

2. Get Moving

Take a walk around your desk. Do some monotonous chore. Anything, but just get moving. Do that grocery shopping that you had been stalling. Or walk around in a garden or amidst nature. Or cycle around the block. Or just take the trash outside. Do anything that’s on your to do list that involves you getting up from your desk, away from your work environment completely. Idea is to just get moving. This distracts you from whatever worry is on your mind and give a fresh outlook and optimism when you get back to work. The most mundane tasks can be meditative.

3. Socialize. Socialize. Socialize.

Feeling bored or in the same routine or rut day after day? Don’t try to sit alone and crack your head around getting things done. Confide in a friend, guide or mentor on how you are feeling. This will instantly make you feel better. Do something else on your “to-do” list that involves meeting up people so that you break out of your slump and interact with others – just gives you the much needed mental break or a different outlook on the worry on your mind.

4. Workout

Science backs the fact that exercising releases endorphins, the same chemical that reacts with brain receptors and reduces the feeling of any pain and increases positivity. Hormones Dopamine and Serotonin are released in the body due to exercise and these has a direct positive impact on your brain. If you are not in a mood to do intense workout or gaming, activities like yoga, brisk walking, Zumba or playing your favorite sport can lift up your spirits. If you don’t want to do it for long, 10 min would be more than enough.

5. Change your environment

Simple things like clearing your desk or de-cluttering your workspace can minimize distractions and allow you to focus, get out of the slump or give a different perspective. Keep your phones away or on do not disturb and face down. Research says the average attention span of humans has reduced drastically(to even lower than that of a goldfish). Based on a study by University of California, it takes 23 minutes on average to get back focus after checking your notifications while doing any task.

Being in a slump and burned out is very common, especially post covid, when we are all working from home and the physical interaction with our colleagues and friends has reduced drastically. All of this has worked for me time and again, to get out of that lazy sloth-like slump. Any of these tips work for you? Or is there anything else specifically that works for you. Let us know in the common section.

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